What's happening in Eden's world?

september 3, 2023
Wow! It sure has been a while since I've updated this website. Originally, it was intended to be a webpage where I could talk about horror movies and write up reviews for horror content such as films, video games, and TV shows. I've now obviously ditched this idea, and have instead decided to put this account to good use by now hosting my artist information here instead. I hope that isn't too disappointing, but I don't think anyone was interested in the webpage beforehand anyways. So, here we are! I've just been working on updating the site with my new information currently. Soon enough I will have my commission information, as well as examples of my artwork, up and available to view on their respective pages.
april 4, 2020
welcome to the news page! i don't have much to write here yet, but hopefully i will soon!